Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Back to the Present!

I'm back on the west coast (Yay!), living in Ojai, Cali and it is Sept, 2016... and I am back to writing! So much has happened...I am creating a teen Internet series that will springboard into a social force for teens. My vision is to change the conversation among teens around social issues that are greatly affecting them and to fuel teens to express themselves safely and constructively.
I am also a Certified Advanced Practitioner of The Akashic Records. I have been accessing my Records and the Akashic Records of others in the form of Akashic Readings. I have come to realize that I have always had the gift of opening my heart fully to access the Divine. When I was little, it was called the Catholic church, which was way too restrictive for me. I've been a spiritual seeker for over 30 years, and my spirituality and studies have led me to the Akashic Records. It is said that people working in the Akashic Records have been 'called' to the Records. This is definitely how it happened for me. I was not seeking them, in fact, I did not know what The Akashic Records were! But as soon as I began to study about them, and began to access my Records using the Pathway Prayer Process, which is a specific prayer that 'opens' a sacred path for the Divine energy to come through, I felt as if I had come home. Life really is good!