Friday, April 12, 2013

Back in NYC

I moved back east last April, and am living in NYC, in Washington Heights. It's been fours years since I last blogged. My experience in LA was very interesting. I was there for twelve years. Lots of lessons, lots of spiritual growth and an amazing group of special friends that I will honor for  the rest of my life.
I'm so amazed, as an entertainment industry professional, at how closed the industry is in LA, especially for women. I feel, after working for over thirty years for the three major television networks in LA and NY, that the world of female directors is still way too small. Part of my stepping away had to do with my discouragement over this. But now that I am back in NYC, and reconnecting with the down-to-earth forthright-ness of this city and my colleagues, I can feel my directing 'mojo' coming back.
Thanks to a very special friend, colleague and talented executive producer, Tammy Leech, I just finished directing my first film. It will be screened here in the city, then off to film festivals. What a terrific feeling and experience it has been to be working again with such talented actors and crew.
Mary's back and looking forward to fabulous next projects!