Tuesday, December 15, 2009

More manifesting!

OK..biked 45 miles on Sunday..got a flat tire again on the 126..bummer..BUT I was near the same bicycle shop as my last flat and the owner came to pick me up, fixed my tire and I continued my ride ending at the Pacific ocean just in time for a magnificent sunset! The only restaurant we could eat at was rather expensive, but our group set the intention that the Universe would take care of the bill..well it did just that for me. I received an unexpected check in the mail the next day, which more than took care of the restaurant bill. These are great Universal exercises in the power of manifestation.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Universal Choreography

OK..here's a good one...Four of us cycling together on a rather long run..the goal was to go from Santa Clarita to the ocean..42+ miles.Beautiful ride, beautiful friends. At about mile 28, my back tire went flat...somewhere in Santa Paula..we ask a passerby if there's a bike shop around..turns out it's right across the street about 50 feet ahead! And it's a performance bike shop. Tony Ragatz..custom designs his own racing bikes..veteran racer..passionate about his work...takes care of all four of us..not only replaces my tires, switches out my handlebar stem for a better fit, replaces the (very bad) tires on Christine's bike, tailors Lisa's bike for her and speaks with John about his next bike (which he's been desiring!). Oh and Lisa finds the bicycle pants she's been wanting! We learned tons about cycling, and Tony has offered us a free bicycle maintenance class the next time we pass by.
So ya think that flat tire was choreographed? Can't be anything else..Angels, guides,my mother from the other side, simply the law of attraction, call it what ya want but there's definitely something big out there that listens to us. Honest, folks, this happens every day..sometimes we just don't notice!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Easy to manifest!

It's amazing how easy it is to get what you want...to manifest every day what you need or desire. I'm gonna keep sharing how often this happens for me on a daily basis. The key here is to be grateful for all the great stuff..wonderful people and things we already have in our lives. This is not a religious blog! Religion and spirituality are personal. This is simply about how easy it is to bring what we want into our lives. My first example..I've been wanting to upgrade my Final Cut Pro editing program..this morning I saw on twitter a special deal on the FCP Upgrade...low price...free shipping! I love when this happens!! The Universe listens!!!!!!